#Arctic Ocean | Applications
#Centring Approximately North Pole
#Arctic Fibre | Connecting Asia, Canada, and Europe through Arctic Ocean | Phase 1 operational since 2017
#FuelEU Maritime | Increasung the share of renewable and low-carbon fuels in the fuel mix of international maritime transport within the EU | Setting requirements on the annual average GHG intensity of energy used by ships trading within the EU or European Economic Area (EEA) | GHG emissions per energy unit | Calculating emissions related to the extraction, cultivation, production and transportation of fuel, in addition to emissions from energy used on board the ship | 2% reduction in 2025 | 6% in 2030 | Accelerating from 2035 to reach an 80% reduction by 2050 | Requiring passenger and container ships to use onshore power supplies at all relevant ports from 2030, when at birth for more than two hours
#EU ETS | Emissions cap-and-trade system
#EU MRV | Eemissions collection and reporting
#Average Depth 3240 feet (987m)
#Encirclement By Land Masses
#IMO DCS | Fuel data collection system
#Arctic Ocean Warming
#Arctic North West Passage
#Northern Sea Route
#Arctic Shipping
#Oil Activities
#Gas Activities
#Environmental Pollusion
#Polar Bear
#Climate Change
#Pacific Salmon
#Arctic Wolf
#Arctic Fox
#Gray Whale
#Arctic Ice Thinnig
#Saltwater Damage
#Radioactive Substances
#Extended Continental Shelf
#Vulnerable Marine Ecosystem (VME) | One nautical mile in radius | Hub of biodiversity | Made up of organisms especially vulnerable to bottom-fishing gear | Refuge for life forms stressed by rapidly warming ocean
#CII (Carbon Intensity Indicator)